
Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Perspective About the Growing-Obsolete Pay-Phone

A pay-phone may be as obsolete as a black-and-white television set. Currently, it is unusual to find them. We can still find a pay-phone when we are in-need, at hospitals and grocery stores etc... but not so much at gas stations and party stores, like we were once able to.

The cell-phone has basically replaced the ol' pay-phones. The places where the phones used to be located/anchored, may only have a remnant of a place where a pay-phone was housed and engaged to. Perhaps, because of the costs for the lot owners to keep the pay-phones up... the pay-phones that used to be so receptive our our coin -- are now just memories for us, of a time that never 'included' the cell-phone.

We now live in a time, that seems to be 'excluding' the pay-phone.

Western Electric Touchtone Payphone Add Wall Mounting Backplate?: No

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