
Showing posts with label human beings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label human beings. Show all posts

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Wondering About the Venus Flytrap and the Tickle Me Plant -- Their Similarities Provoke Some Thoughts

As I was watching this video, the (mimosa pudica) plant in the video reminded me a lot of the Venus Flytrap -- because of the way that they both react and move, when prompted. I later watched a video with the Venus Flytrap in it, and read some comments about how it takes a lot of energy for the plant to open and close -- and how it is a waste of energy if it is prompted by a human finger (per example), simply for the amusement of the human being.

I then wondered about just how much energy wasting is involved in prompting the Tickle Me Plant, when it is 'tickled' -- for the sake of amusement.

Both plants -- the Tickle Me, and the Venus Flytrap (dionaea muscipula), are amazing and amusing because of the way that they react and move. I do wonder this: How would they react to each other, if they were simultaneously stimulated by each other. Would the Venus Flytrap devour the sensitive and shy-little Tickle Me Plant?

What do you think would happen?

Here is the Tickle Me Plant video:



Sunday, September 11, 2011

Choice and Intelligence: The Chosen Planet -- and the Chosen Species

There are so many species of life, (here on Earth).

There are so many planets out there.

Why is the Earth, the chosen planet where life can sustain itself?

Why are human beings, the chosen (evolved) species who live by moral/spiritual choices rather than simply an instinctive consciousness and fight-or-flight system?

What are the odds that there are species of life out there, with a far greater advanced consciousness/intelligence than humans beings?

How many (unknown) planets, sustain the lives of others, who ask themselves the very same question?

Planet Earth (Six-Disc Special Edition) [Blu-ray]

Sunday, May 29, 2011

How Many Grains of Sand or Stars in the Sky are There -- Compared to People, Who Shall Ever Be?

Just as there are countless stars in the sky or grains of sand, there have been innumerable human beings alive (in the past), as there will be 'countless' people who will be born and alive in the future.

However -- With technology, we will actually be able to keep track of those 'countless' people... though, it sure seems like a lot of paperwork :)