On social websites like Facebook: It's one thing for a mother-to-be, to post images of herself with an exposed baby-bump; and it's another, to post images/videos of the ultrasound of her baby.
The technology of an
ultrasound (in itself), is wonderful. However -- How amazing is the capability of showing the world, the precious miracle growing inside of you?
Having a recorded history of that remarkable feat, to show your ancestors and generations to come is so cool! What if your grandfather had a post/keep-sake of himself, during the time that his mother (your grand-mother) carried him inside of her womb?
Visuals of human life, in the process of development... for posterity sake, and perhaps -- family tree
archives sake. Another way that technology has touched upon human connection.
Ultrasound - Eyewitness to the Earliest Days of Life (Reveals Life Before Birth Utilizing Ultrasound Images)